Домашняя работа №6

Импортируем необходимые пакеты.

In [1]:
import sys 
import modeller 
import _modeller
import modeller.automodel
import nglview

Скачаем pdb лизоцима из радужной форели и последовательность лизоцима из виргинской американской куропатки.

In [2]:
wget http://www.pdb.org/pdb/files/1lmp.pdb
wget http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P00700.fasta
--2017-12-09 16:09:11--  http://www.pdb.org/pdb/files/1lmp.pdb
Resolving www.pdb.org (www.pdb.org)...
Connecting to www.pdb.org (www.pdb.org)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
Location: https://www.rcsb.org/pdb/files/1lmp.pdb [following]
--2017-12-09 16:09:11--  https://www.rcsb.org/pdb/files/1lmp.pdb
Resolving www.rcsb.org (www.rcsb.org)...
Connecting to www.rcsb.org (www.rcsb.org)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
Location: http://files.rcsb.org/view/1lmp.pdb [following]
--2017-12-09 16:09:13--  http://files.rcsb.org/view/1lmp.pdb
Resolving files.rcsb.org (files.rcsb.org)...
Connecting to files.rcsb.org (files.rcsb.org)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/plain]
Saving to: `1lmp.pdb.1'

     0K .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........  121K
    50K .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........  238K
   100K .......... .......... ........                          137K=0.8s

2017-12-09 16:09:14 (155 KB/s) - `1lmp.pdb.1' saved [131301]

--2017-12-09 16:09:14--  http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P00700.fasta
Resolving www.uniprot.org (www.uniprot.org)...,
Connecting to www.uniprot.org (www.uniprot.org)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 205 [text/plain]
Saving to: `P00700.fasta.1'

     0K                                                       100% 20.7M=0s

2017-12-09 16:09:15 (20.7 MB/s) - `P00700.fasta.1' saved [205/205]

In [3]:

# Создаем выравнивание
alignm.append(file='P00700.fasta', align_codes='all',alignment_format='FASTA')
mdl = modeller.model(env, file='1lmp.pdb', model_segment=('FIRST:'+'A', 'LAST:'+'A'))
alignm.append_model(mdl, atom_files='1lmp.pdb', align_codes='1lmp')
alignm[0].code = 'model'
alignm[1].code = 'reference'

# Производим выравнивание
alignm.write(file='all_in_one.ali', alignment_format='PIR')

# Выбираем объект для моделирования 
s = alignm[0]
pdb = alignm[1]

# Создаем объект automodel
a = modeller.automodel.automodel(env, alnfile='all_in_one.ali', knowns = pdb.code, sequence = s.code)
a.starting_model = 1
a.ending_model = 1
                         MODELLER 9.19, 2017/07/19, r11078


                     Copyright(c) 1989-2017 Andrej Sali
                            All Rights Reserved

                             Written by A. Sali
                               with help from
              B. Webb, M.S. Madhusudhan, M-Y. Shen, G.Q. Dong,
          M.A. Marti-Renom, N. Eswar, F. Alber, M. Topf, B. Oliva,
             A. Fiser, R. Sanchez, B. Yerkovich, A. Badretdinov,
                     F. Melo, J.P. Overington, E. Feyfant
                 University of California, San Francisco, USA
                    Rockefeller University, New York, USA
                      Harvard University, Cambridge, USA
                   Imperial Cancer Research Fund, London, UK
              Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK

Kind, OS, HostName, Kernel, Processor: 4, Linux shadbox 3.2.0-29-generic x86_64
Date and time of compilation         : 2017/07/19 14:40:43
MODELLER executable type             : x86_64-intel8
Job starting time (YY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS): 2017/12/09 16:08:53

read_pd_459W> Residue type  NAG not recognized. 'automodel' model building
              will treat this residue as a rigid body.
              To use real parameters, add the residue type to ${LIB}/restyp.lib,
              its topology to ${LIB}/top_*.lib, and suitable forcefield
              parameters to ${LIB}/par.lib.
rdpdb___459W> Residue type  NDG not recognized. 'automodel' model building
              will treat this residue as a rigid body.
              To use real parameters, add the residue type to ${LIB}/restyp.lib,
              its topology to ${LIB}/top_*.lib, and suitable forcefield
              parameters to ${LIB}/par.lib.

SALIGN_____> adding the next group to the alignment; iteration    1
fndatmi_285W> Only      129 residues out of      132 contain atoms of type  CA
              (This is usually caused by non-standard residues, such
              as ligands, or by PDB files with missing atoms.)
fndatmi_285W> Only      129 residues out of      132 contain atoms of type  CA
              (This is usually caused by non-standard residues, such
              as ligands, or by PDB files with missing atoms.)

check_ali___> Checking the sequence-structure alignment. 

Implied intrachain target CA(i)-CA(i+1) distances longer than  8.0 angstroms:

read_to_681_> topology.submodel read from topology file:        3
fndatmi_285W> Only      129 residues out of      132 contain atoms of type  CA
              (This is usually caused by non-standard residues, such
              as ligands, or by PDB files with missing atoms.)
patch_s_522_> Number of disulfides patched in MODEL:        4
The following 1 residues contain 6-membered rings with poor geometries
after transfer from templates. Rebuilding rings from internal coordinates:
   <Residue 34 (type PHE)>
mdtrsr__446W> A potential that relies on one protein is used, yet you have at
              least one known structure available. MDT, not library, potential is used.
iup2crm_280W> No topology library in memory or assigning a BLK residue.
              Default CHARMM atom type assigned:  C1 -->  CT2
              This message is written only for the first such atom.
0 atoms in HETATM/BLK residues constrained
to protein atoms within 2.30 angstroms
and protein CA atoms within 10.00 angstroms
0 atoms in residues without defined topology
constrained to be rigid bodies
condens_443_> Restraints marked for deletion were removed.
              Total number of restraints before, now:    12088    11216
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.

>> ENERGY; Differences between the model's features and restraints:
Number of all residues in MODEL                   :      129
Number of all, selected real atoms                :      998     998
Number of all, selected pseudo atoms              :        0       0
Number of all static, selected restraints         :    11216   11216
COVALENT_CYS                                      :        F
NONBONDED_SEL_ATOMS                               :        1
Number of non-bonded pairs (excluding 1-2,1-3,1-4):     2138
Dynamic pairs routine                             : 2, NATM x NATM cell sorting
Atomic shift for contacts update (UPDATE_DYNAMIC) :    0.390
LENNARD_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
COULOMB_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
RESIDUE_SPAN_RANGE                                :        0   99999
NLOGN_USE                                         :       15
CONTACT_SHELL                                     :    4.000
DYNAMIC_PAIRS,_SPHERE,_COULOMB,_LENNARD,_MODELLER :        T       T       F       F       F
SPHERE_STDV                                       :    0.050
RADII_FACTOR                                      :    0.820
Current energy                                    :         714.0712

Summary of the restraint violations: 

   NUM     ... number of restraints.
   NUMVI   ... number of restraints with RVIOL > VIOL_REPORT_CUT[i].
   RVIOL   ... relative difference from the best value.
   NUMVP   ... number of restraints with -Ln(pdf) > VIOL_REPORT_CUT2[i].
   RMS_1   ... RMS(feature, minimally_violated_basis_restraint, NUMB).
   RMS_2   ... RMS(feature, best_value, NUMB).
   MOL.PDF ... scaled contribution to -Ln(Molecular pdf).

 #                     RESTRAINT_GROUP      NUM   NUMVI  NUMVP   RMS_1   RMS_2         MOL.PDF     S_i
 1 Bond length potential              :    1018       0      0   0.006   0.006      11.612       1.000
 2 Bond angle potential               :    1377       0      6   2.161   2.161      131.42       1.000
 3 Stereochemical cosine torsion poten:     656       0     24  47.763  47.763      232.03       1.000
 4 Stereochemical improper torsion pot:     416       0      0   1.276   1.276      16.373       1.000
 5 Soft-sphere overlap restraints     :    2138       0      0   0.001   0.001     0.55872       1.000
 6 Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 7 Coulomb point-point electrostatic p:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 8 H-bonding potential                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 9 Distance restraints 1 (CA-CA)      :    2404       0      0   0.107   0.107      33.792       1.000
10 Distance restraints 2 (N-O)        :    2562       0      2   0.161   0.161      76.374       1.000
11 Mainchain Phi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
12 Mainchain Psi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
13 Mainchain Omega dihedral restraints:     128       0      3   4.757   4.757      34.153       1.000
14 Sidechain Chi_1 dihedral restraints:     105       0      0  58.104  58.104      11.912       1.000
15 Sidechain Chi_2 dihedral restraints:      73       0      0  69.261  69.261      32.700       1.000
16 Sidechain Chi_3 dihedral restraints:      26       0      1  87.355  87.355      20.242       1.000
17 Sidechain Chi_4 dihedral restraints:      17       0      0  84.750  84.750      12.145       1.000
18 Disulfide distance restraints      :       4       0      0   0.008   0.008     0.40520E-01   1.000
19 Disulfide angle restraints         :       8       0      0   2.612   2.612      1.2053       1.000
20 Disulfide dihedral angle restraints:       4       0      0  25.934  25.934      2.6060       1.000
21 Lower bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
22 Upper bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
23 Distance restraints 3 (SDCH-MNCH)  :    1595       0      0   0.350   0.350      38.386       1.000
24 Sidechain Chi_5 dihedral restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
25 Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints:     127       1      9  19.447  22.570      12.389       1.000
26 Distance restraints 4 (SDCH-SDCH)  :     696       0      0   0.653   0.653      46.132       1.000
27 Distance restraints 5 (X-Y)        :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
28 NMR distance restraints 6 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
29 NMR distance restraints 7 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
30 Minimal distance restraints        :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
31 Non-bonded restraints              :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
32 Atomic accessibility restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
33 Atomic density restraints          :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
34 Absolute position restraints       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
35 Dihedral angle difference restraint:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
36 GBSA implicit solvent potential    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
37 EM density fitting potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
38 SAXS restraints                    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
39 Symmetry restraints                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000

# Heavy relative violation of each residue is written to: model.V99990001
# The profile is NOT normalized by the number of restraints.
# The profiles are smoothed over a window of residues:    1
# The sum of all numbers in the file:   10882.5967

List of the violated restraints:
   A restraint is violated when the relative difference
   from the best value (RVIOL) is larger than CUTOFF.

   ICSR   ... index of a restraint in the current set.
   RESNO  ... residue numbers of the first two atoms.
   ATM    ... IUPAC atom names of the first two atoms.
   FEAT   ... the value of the feature in the model.
   restr  ... the mean of the basis restraint with the smallest
              difference from the model (local minimum).
   viol   ... difference from the local minimum.
   rviol  ... relative difference from the local minimum.
   RESTR  ... the best value (global minimum).
   VIOL   ... difference from the best value.
   RVIOL  ... relative difference from the best value.


Feature 25                           : Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints     
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       6.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   3584 101D 102G C   N     772  774   60.56   82.20   86.23    5.23  -62.40  127.51   21.17
    1        102G 102G N   CA    774  775  -74.96    8.50                  -41.20

report______> Distribution of short non-bonded contacts:

DISTANCE1:  0.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40
DISTANCE2:  2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50
FREQUENCY:     0    0    0    0    0    8    8   33   76  100   80  116  135  184  164

<< end of ENERGY.

>> Summary of successfully produced models:
Filename                          molpdf
model.B99990001.pdb            714.07123

Посмотрим, что получилось.

In [4]:

Добавим лиганд

In [5]:
stri = ''
for i in alignm[0].residues:
    stri += i.code
stri += '...'

# Выбираем объект для моделирования 
s = alignm[2]
pdb = alignm[1]
s.code = 'model_ligand'

alignm.write(file='all_in_one.ali', alignment_format='PIR')

# Создаем объект automodel
a = modeller.automodel.automodel(env, alnfile='all_in_one.ali', knowns= pdb.code , sequence = s.code )
a.starting_model = 1
a.ending_model = 1
SALIGN_____> adding the next group to the alignment; iteration    1

SALIGN_____> adding the next group to the alignment; iteration    2
automodel__W> Topology and/or parameter libraries already in memory. These will
                be used instead of the automodel defaults. If this is not what you
                want, clear them before creating the automodel object with
                env.libs.topology.clear() and env.libs.parameters.clear()
fndatmi_285W> Only      129 residues out of      132 contain atoms of type  CA
              (This is usually caused by non-standard residues, such
              as ligands, or by PDB files with missing atoms.)
fndatmi_285W> Only      129 residues out of      132 contain atoms of type  CA
              (This is usually caused by non-standard residues, such
              as ligands, or by PDB files with missing atoms.)

check_ali___> Checking the sequence-structure alignment. 

Implied intrachain target CA(i)-CA(i+1) distances longer than  8.0 angstroms:


getf_______W> RTF restraint not found in the atoms list:
              residue type, indices:    10   129
              atom names           : C     +N
              atom indices         :   996     0

getf_______W> RTF restraint not found in the atoms list:
              residue type, indices:    10   129
              atom names           : C     CA    +N    O
              atom indices         :   996   991     0   997
fndatmi_285W> Only      129 residues out of      132 contain atoms of type  CA
              (This is usually caused by non-standard residues, such
              as ligands, or by PDB files with missing atoms.)
patch_s_522_> Number of disulfides patched in MODEL:        4
The following 1 residues contain 6-membered rings with poor geometries
after transfer from templates. Rebuilding rings from internal coordinates:
   <Residue 34 (type PHE)>
mdtrsr__446W> A potential that relies on one protein is used, yet you have at
              least one known structure available. MDT, not library, potential is used.
iup2crm_280W> No topology library in memory or assigning a BLK residue.
              Default CHARMM atom type assigned:  C1 -->  CT2
              This message is written only for the first such atom.
43 atoms in HETATM/BLK residues constrained
to protein atoms within 2.30 angstroms
and protein CA atoms within 10.00 angstroms
43 atoms in residues without defined topology
constrained to be rigid bodies
condens_443_> Restraints marked for deletion were removed.
              Total number of restraints before, now:    13489    12617
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.

>> ENERGY; Differences between the model's features and restraints:
Number of all residues in MODEL                   :      132
Number of all, selected real atoms                :     1041    1041
Number of all, selected pseudo atoms              :        0       0
Number of all static, selected restraints         :    12617   12617
COVALENT_CYS                                      :        F
NONBONDED_SEL_ATOMS                               :        1
Number of non-bonded pairs (excluding 1-2,1-3,1-4):     2306
Dynamic pairs routine                             : 2, NATM x NATM cell sorting
Atomic shift for contacts update (UPDATE_DYNAMIC) :    0.390
LENNARD_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
COULOMB_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
RESIDUE_SPAN_RANGE                                :        0   99999
NLOGN_USE                                         :       15
CONTACT_SHELL                                     :    4.000
DYNAMIC_PAIRS,_SPHERE,_COULOMB,_LENNARD,_MODELLER :        T       T       F       F       F
SPHERE_STDV                                       :    0.050
RADII_FACTOR                                      :    0.820
Current energy                                    :         718.2312

Summary of the restraint violations: 

   NUM     ... number of restraints.
   NUMVI   ... number of restraints with RVIOL > VIOL_REPORT_CUT[i].
   RVIOL   ... relative difference from the best value.
   NUMVP   ... number of restraints with -Ln(pdf) > VIOL_REPORT_CUT2[i].
   RMS_1   ... RMS(feature, minimally_violated_basis_restraint, NUMB).
   RMS_2   ... RMS(feature, best_value, NUMB).
   MOL.PDF ... scaled contribution to -Ln(Molecular pdf).

 #                     RESTRAINT_GROUP      NUM   NUMVI  NUMVP   RMS_1   RMS_2         MOL.PDF     S_i
 1 Bond length potential              :    1018       0      0   0.007   0.007      12.176       1.000
 2 Bond angle potential               :    1377       0      6   2.156   2.156      132.36       1.000
 3 Stereochemical cosine torsion poten:     656       0     24  48.002  48.002      235.21       1.000
 4 Stereochemical improper torsion pot:     416       0      0   1.329   1.329      17.402       1.000
 5 Soft-sphere overlap restraints     :    2306       1      2   0.008   0.008      16.756       1.000
 6 Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 7 Coulomb point-point electrostatic p:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 8 H-bonding potential                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 9 Distance restraints 1 (CA-CA)      :    2404       0      0   0.102   0.102      31.228       1.000
10 Distance restraints 2 (N-O)        :    2562       0      0   0.146   0.146      68.217       1.000
11 Mainchain Phi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
12 Mainchain Psi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
13 Mainchain Omega dihedral restraints:     128       0      3   4.623   4.623      32.267       1.000
14 Sidechain Chi_1 dihedral restraints:     105       0      1  63.317  63.317      20.015       1.000
15 Sidechain Chi_2 dihedral restraints:      73       0      0  68.738  68.738      35.370       1.000
16 Sidechain Chi_3 dihedral restraints:      26       0      0  85.081  85.081      17.552       1.000
17 Sidechain Chi_4 dihedral restraints:      17       0      0 102.301 102.301      9.9326       1.000
18 Disulfide distance restraints      :       4       0      0   0.006   0.006     0.26394E-01   1.000
19 Disulfide angle restraints         :       8       0      0   3.234   3.234      1.8475       1.000
20 Disulfide dihedral angle restraints:       4       0      0  26.706  26.706      2.3136       1.000
21 Lower bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
22 Upper bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
23 Distance restraints 3 (SDCH-MNCH)  :    1595       0      0   0.383   0.383      39.213       1.000
24 Sidechain Chi_5 dihedral restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
25 Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints:     127       1     10  18.612  19.696    -0.63497E-01   1.000
26 Distance restraints 4 (SDCH-SDCH)  :     696       0      1   0.556   0.556      33.124       1.000
27 Distance restraints 5 (X-Y)        :    1401       0      0   0.030   0.030      13.287       1.000
28 NMR distance restraints 6 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
29 NMR distance restraints 7 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
30 Minimal distance restraints        :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
31 Non-bonded restraints              :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
32 Atomic accessibility restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
33 Atomic density restraints          :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
34 Absolute position restraints       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
35 Dihedral angle difference restraint:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
36 GBSA implicit solvent potential    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
37 EM density fitting potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
38 SAXS restraints                    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
39 Symmetry restraints                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000

# Heavy relative violation of each residue is written to: model_ligand.V99990001
# The profile is NOT normalized by the number of restraints.
# The profiles are smoothed over a window of residues:    1
# The sum of all numbers in the file:   11280.1475

List of the violated restraints:
   A restraint is violated when the relative difference
   from the best value (RVIOL) is larger than CUTOFF.

   ICSR   ... index of a restraint in the current set.
   RESNO  ... residue numbers of the first two atoms.
   ATM    ... IUPAC atom names of the first two atoms.
   FEAT   ... the value of the feature in the model.
   restr  ... the mean of the basis restraint with the smallest
              difference from the model (local minimum).
   viol   ... difference from the local minimum.
   rviol  ... relative difference from the local minimum.
   RESTR  ... the best value (global minimum).
   VIOL   ... difference from the best value.
   RVIOL  ... relative difference from the best value.


Feature 25                           : Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints     
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       6.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   3518  35E  36S C   N     276  278 -134.27  -64.10   78.72    8.13  -64.10   78.72    8.13
    1         36S  36S N   CA    278  279    0.68  -35.00                  -35.00

report______> Distribution of short non-bonded contacts:

DISTANCE1:  0.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40
DISTANCE2:  2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50
FREQUENCY:     0    0    0    0    0    8    7   37   75  124  111  128  159  171  174

<< end of ENERGY.

>> Summary of successfully produced models:
Filename                          molpdf
model_ligand.B99990001.pdb      718.23120

Белок с лигандом:

In [6]: